
Short Stories and Flash Fiction

"Woman in a Silk Dress," Pigeon Pages

"De Facto," VIDA Review

"Pink Eye," Menacing Hedge

"SPF," Reckoning

"A Billion Hatched Gnats," Levee Magazine (Print Only) 

"Red Giant," perhappened

"The Lifecycle of a Mosquito Bite on the Right Calf," Pidgeonholes

"Waiting outside the psychic’s at 10 a.m.," The Offing

"The Water Cycle," Storm Cellar

"We don't say 'death'," Blue Earth Review (Print Only)

"Our Lady," Passages North

"Fruition," The Offing

"Ginkgo," A Public Space (Forthcoming)

Creative Nonfiction

Personal Essays

"Omnipresence," CRAFT Literary

Awards and Support

2022 Emerging Writers Fellowship, Fiction Aspen Words, Summer 2022

2022 New York State Summer Writers Institute Scholarship Support - Advanced Fiction Workshop
New York State Summer Writers Institute, Summer 2022

The Albertina Tholakele Dube Scholarship for Young Writers
The Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, 2021

The Alexandra Goldfluss Fellowship - WriteOn, The New School, Fall 2021

2021 Force Majeure Flash Contest - Second Place, "The Water Cycle," Summer 2021

Best of the Net, 2021 - Nominated for "Woman in a Silk Dress," by Pigeon Pages.